How I Changed My Life By Walking With God
A Journey of Faith
Join Maureen as she tells her story of Healing and Health.......
BOOK       $5.00
“In the year 2000, God called out to me and asked me to join Him on a journey“…. In September of 2000 the Holy Spirit called me onto a new path.  He invited me to walk with Him and become a healthy person.  This is a story of Health and Healing and how you can change your life because with God nothing is impossible!

Allow Maureen to take you on a journey as she tells you the story of how God forever changed her life.  She was a busy, “workaholic”, business executive who walked away from a large salary and  life consuming job of 60+ hours a week to seek a better life for her and her family.  What she found was health and healing through prayer which resulted in a weight loss of 100+ pounds. She found a New Life in GOD!